Friday 19 October 2012

Here comes halloween...

Halloween is fast approaching - Absoluetly stoked!
Inspiration found - now to make my costume.

9 Days and counting down. 

Sunday 14 October 2012

...... why not try to see things from a different angle

What a whirl wind life can be sometimes.

The last few months have been the craziest of my entire life - It's hard to believe how much a person can go through and achieve in such a small period of time. Not trying to toot my own horn but there had been some rocky seas to face before finally reaching the shore. On this rainy day in Singapore I would like to share my short story: Not just rain - hail.

I spoke frequently about my excitement for the project - La Cage - I was to be apart of in Singapore. It has come and gone and there was nothing that could have prepared me for what an important chapter of my life that show would be. I think as a performer, your first professional production is always going to be one you hold near and dear to your heart but I mean it when I say this, I was truly blessed to be apart of it. The show, the message it sends, the cast (onstage and off) we were a real family. No matter whether you were working the sequence onstage or rocking the leather off, all our lives were touched by the follies - occasionally inappropriately but always loving it.
In Singapore putting on a show, overtly condoning and begging for acceptance of a lifestyle deemed 'illegal' was a risky game. While the arts are all about pushing boundaries and expressing ones opinion (when it gets down to it) everyone still needs to make their dollar at the end of the day. There was a huge risk with a show like this that audiences who didn't believe in the message wouldn't support the show. How pleasantly surprised I was.... on opening night - a roar of applause exploded from the audience as soon as the curtain opened revealing myself and the other Cagelles in Silhouette. The applause was not only from afar but also when the cast took the streets - audience members who recognized us would stop us and congratulate us or alternatively (on a few occasions) challenge us. Not that I am bothered by that, theater without debate is like watching paint dry, you always want art provoke an audience. For those that loved it and were moved by it, or had a change of opinion because of watching it - it's touching for the performer - I feel we may have left a hand print on a few hearts.
Finally - I never expected that on a production I would make such a beautiful bunch of ridiculously good friends. Moments we shared I will carry with me for the rest of my life. A performers life is a gypsy life. Travelling from show to show, to show, to unemployment, to show and unintentionally the friends you make along the way can be left behind with the characters once played. This show was different and I have no idea why or how in a space of 6 weeks we became so close, but we did, and I will be forever grateful for every crazy memory...and I know there are more to come.

This production began with a bang (and not in a good way) in my parallel universe, otherwise known as my personal life. Having a relationship fall apart before my eyes/my heart and being completely unprepared for it. Not that I believe anyone can be but I feel like my life was falling apart at the seams with a familiar scenario I hadn't planned on repeating.
In the moment I decided there are many ways I can handle this: I can get mad and blame someone or something, I can get depressed and blame myself or I can get motivated.
Motivated it was, after all my job was the first step to achieving every dream I have ever had from the age of 5. Most stagey status ever but, it's the truth.
I don't believe when a relationship falls apart the little reasons matter. There really is only one big reason.. somebody stopped loving someone else in 'that way'. No matter what words are passed between you both, neither of you really know how you feel, or have the words to express it, you're both just trying to find a way to make the other person hurt less and it might help temporarily but it's never the answers you're looking for.

The biggest discovery I had was pushing forward doesn't always cure the hurt in the past. Closing night after we took our last bow and the curtains came down on La Cage Aux Follies for the last time I felt my stomach turn into a knot and my knees go weak. I ran into a dark corner behind the sets and sat and breathed until the tears stopped falling. I was so overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't rationally decide what I was feeling and clearly neither could my body as it had collapsed underneath me and I wasn't standing any time soon. After I had let the emotional volcanic eruption come to a close, when I felt composed I stood up and left that little corner and my past in it.

To close - a toast my new family who without knowing it, by simply getting up on that stage with me every night, having a wine with me after hours, watching too much reality TV, dreaming and dancing till dawn, held me together and kept me inspired - and I hope in my cooky little way I gave you something to take away too.


Friday 4 May 2012

A song in my heart for you.

Though I know that we meet ev'ry night
and we couldn't have changed since the last time,
to my joy and delight,
it's a new kind of love at first sight.
Though it's you and it's I all the time
ev'ry meeting's a marvelous pastime.
You're increasingly sweet,
so whenever we happen to meet
I greet you ...

With a song in my heart
I behold your adorable face.
Just a song at the start
but it soon is a hymn to your grace.
When the music swells
I'm touching your hand
It tells me you're standing near, and ..
At the sound of your voice
heaven opens its portals to me.
Can I help but rejoice
that a song such as ours came to be?
But I always knew
I would live life through
with a song in my heart for you.


Saturday 10 March 2012

A world disguised in glitter

Life behind my Stage - A world disguised in glitter.

It is 10 days until I get to see my parents. I have become a blubbering mess when people mention the word home, I get excited to talk to my family on Skype because I know as much as I miss them, I will be seeing them in the flesh soon enough and although school stresses me beyond word explanation (at the moment), it just doesn't matter all that much.

Parents and families are people that are so easy to take advantage of. They are your biggest cheerleaders (even if occasionally their words seem to oppose that), they never want to see you fail. Especially if you live with them, they can really get on your nerves. I will tell you something though, as soon as you move away from them, it doesn't matter if it's five minutes down the road, 8 hours by plane or halfway across the world, you start to realize how important they are, how much you miss them and how life is a lot harder without being able to go downstairs, sit in front of a TV, have a cup of tea and a chat.

Since I moved out my parents have become some of my closest friends. I can talk to them about anything and while I don't always agree with the advise I get and it frustrates them beyond compare, that I always take a different path, I am so blessed to have them there at my every beckoning call. Emotional support is the strongest support anyone could possibly have and I am so grateful for their dedication.

In 10 days my final musical performance at LASALLE will commence and on opening night my Mum and Papa will be there to see it. After not watching any of my hard work for 2 years (hearing all about it though), they will be there, like the true cheerleaders they are.

I am so honored to be your daughter and I love you both so very much.

Thank you for being the wonderful people you are.


Saturday 3 March 2012